The Agency
As our society changes, we need transversal and atypical viewpoints to create meaning and succeed in living together.
Artistic activities can bring people together, shift their outlook and and providing access to cultural diversity.
In search of
new horizons
profitable partnerships
a comprehensive view
CREATIVITY is our keyword
IMPULSION contributes to the development of original cultural projects based on human connections – enriching, meaningful interactions between people from different, often unfamiliar environments.
IMPULSION can accompany your exploration of unknown areas.
Our Values
Empathy / Enthusiasm /
Curiosity / Risk-taking.
We can develop your CULTURAL SPONSORSHIP strategy
Our mission is to bring associations and companies together around a common cause, to underscore their shared goals.
IMPULSION’s singular approach is designed to help you raise private funds and spread awareness of your increasingly important social role.
We can SUPPORT you
in many different ways
Artistic projects often shine a revealing light on our society. IMPULSION can help you get a meaningful cultural project off the ground, sparking interaction between the public space and its inhabitants.
We can take charge of the
whole PRODUCTION process,
from conception to promotion
With 25 years’ experience in the cultural sector, IMPULSION combines high artistic standards, economic efficiency and adaptability to local contexts.
An approach to the ecological footprint through the prism of reasonable tourism.
in the
climate change era
Tourisme à l'ère du changement climatique
EXPO en plein air à Paris
18/09 au 12/11/23
outdoor exhibit
Paris - Tour St. Jacques Biennale Photoclimat
Pictures of the exhibit
en plein air
Frontiers of Peace
is a cultural, participatory and educational programme for the promotion of the frontiers of peace in Europe.
It is a European cultural project that brings together the actors of peace and European integration.
© Photographie de Valerio VINCENZO
© Photographie de Marco ZORZANELLO
Biennale Photoclimat
Marco Zorzanello
Tourisme et changement climatique
changement climatique
Regine Feldgen
Tour Saint Jacques Paris
agence impulsion
© Photographie de Marco ZORZANELLO